‘The natural and unspoiled feeling of the mother…’ – Engaging with problematic Froebel quotes as part of this project

In this conversation, we chat about a quote from Froebel that doesn’t resonate so well and consider what it might mean for our project on Froebelian leadership.

: “True, the natural and unspoiled feeling of the mother often hits upon the right thing to do; but this right thing is done by her too unconsciously and too unconnectedly, it is not repeated continuously enough; still less is it constantly and progressively developed, and so it is not logically enough built up. “

What do we do with the sexism we encounter in Froebel’s writing? Is it an inevitable part of writing from the 19th century? Do we just shelve it and carry on, taking the parts we like and discarding anything else? Or do we confront these quotes and think about them actively in relation to contemporary visions of Froebelian leadership and what it might mean to be a Froebelian leader?

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